Loose change is often rattling around in your pocket, inconvenient to carry and not very useful. In New Zealand we have really adapted to paying by card or watch or phone. Therefore you often don’t have the need for loose change. However I also look at the prompt of loose change relating to bouncing or juggling balls in the air. For me what is a priority in my art work or my life and how do I juggle everything to make it work. You can find things bouncing around all over the place just like your loose change in your purse! Sometimes weighing heavily on your mind and other times being useful to accomplish a few things off your checklist.

My piece shows the balls bouncing up and down and looking for somewhere to land. You can see the shapes they have come from the the same shapes at the bottom for them to land in. However they don’t land very often. For me to process life and feel in control I make lists of large and small jobs to do and tick them off as I go. This way I feel like I have achieved something.
It is often the small things (loose change) like ironing some fabric, cutting some pieces or getting my hair done that are achievable and once I get rid of that loose change I can really create!
This speaks to me! I am a list maker also and love checking things off my list. Sometimes I’ll do something not on my list and add it to my list so I can check it off.
Really interesting take. And . .I do the same. Make a list so I can check things off.
Catherine, I really love this one – so many interesting fabrics that I want to see in person. And your post sent me right to my to-do list to see what I might tick off on Sunday . . .