Continuing on with my series its interesting to see how the colour is changing from piece to piece. Each piece is also getting narrower at this point until 9 inches wide then I will begin enlarging them back to a full 24 inches wide. It will be interesting to see how this evolves.
Onto the prompt of restoration I was thinking about buildings and objects then I thought of relationships. In my family two of my mothers sisters did not talk to each other for many years and never mended that relationship before one of them died which is very sad.
I had an incident with one of my brothers some years ago which was a misunderstanding but I ensured before we left we mended that relationship (and its still going strong) before leaving. I took what had happened with my aunties and wanted to make sure that didn’t happen again. It takes time to work through the various iterations of what caused an argument or misunderstanding but when you take the time to do that in a constructive way the understanding and relationship can mend.
My colours are around emotion and the trials of getting to the whole. Take care everyone and remember that people are important, there are differing views but we should be able to accept our differences and move on.
Machine pieced and appliqued, machine quilted, My own hand dyed and painted fabrics 16in W x 40 T
I love the colours you have developed in this piece and how appropriate those colours are for depicting those complex relationships we have within a family. Also, the use of curves and circles is reminiscent of the types of interactions within a family group – always circling back and crossing over between the members, sometimes truncated but always a part of the overall picture of a family.
Beautiful work and fabrics, and I agree with your take on family relationships.