In the US we are experiencing a radical revolution in our government. Some call it a coup, some call it the breakdown of democracy, some call it corruption, some call it a blatant funneling of taxpayer money to the rich.

Meanwhile others call it draining the swamp, shutting down the “woke” agenda, taking back our country from liberal socialism.

There is and has been a great division in America that has been festering throughout my lifetime. We are seeing the consequences now, people on both sides of politics are experiencing the impacts of our new autocratic regime. I believe it is a coup, a dismantling of our constitution, a hostile takeover of our country to benefit the rich and powerful without any thought to the rights or sufferings of ” We the people”

There is also a revolution happening within me… I am questioning the intelligence, values and morals of my friends who voted republican this election as if nothing was learned. It seems a collective insanity that conveniently forgets and pardons January 6. I cannot wrap my head around this blind devotion. I am wrestling with my kindness and empathy towards republican voters some who are now experiencing the very repercussions they voted for. Are they happy now/yet? Is this what they want? Really…. is this what they were hoping for when they voted? Is it possible to continue relationships with people who actively wish others harm, strip people of their rights, and dismantles our countries, culture, history and constitution. These are difficult questions for me. My republican family and friends are strangely quiet these days. They are not asking …How are you? Are they afraid, embarrassed, don’t know what to say? These are family members and longtime friends I have celebrated births and weddings with, supported them through many of life’s hardships, I have given emotional support, financial support, a listening ear, sat at the bedsides of their dying because I believe in compassion and empathy. This was freely given with a loving open heart. Now, I am struggling to keep my heart open to those who voted for this current political chaos. Perhaps stepping away from them is needed for my own peace of mind so my energies can go where they are most needed…and there are so many who need empathy, compassion and support. The church I grew up in teaches ” Love them where they are at”. I am not sure where that is anymore. They also taught “God is love in action” I am not seeing or feeling the love from the Christianity being shown these days by our government or its supporters.

I am grieving, I am angry. I am not giving up without a fight I just want to know who is standing with me and who has the proverbial knife in my back?

If it is not possible to have reasonable conversations about our political parties amongst family and friends where does this end for all of us? I haven’t closed doors yet but have wanted to slam them many times. It is uncertain how this will evolve within me over time. Creating art will help. For this I am grateful.

When I contemplate creating an art piece using the prompt revolution, I see black, red, fire and destruction.

I also see the crowds who peacefully gathered to protest February 17th. I stand with them! There is another revolution happening in our country…. resistance.

9 thoughts on “Revolution

  1. A heartfelt discussion of the issues you currently face Jacque. We watch from Australia, trading partners and allies to both Canada and USA, concerned, puzzled and worried. 1,404 days to go! Know that you are supported.

  2. As a proud Canadian married to an American (who has been here since the age of 9) who has dual citizenship , it breaks our hearts to see the utter chaos happening. I spent my entire life living in Niagara Falls Ontario and Niagara Falls New York just minutes across the bridge. I have had to rethink my friendships with a few of my American friends because of the MAGA MOVEMENT. I have many American friends who are Artists and we use our Art to hold us together. I keep going knowing that this chaos can only last so long and believe that we will all realize that this must end! LOVE my Cloth in Common comrades!

    1. Precious words, Al… and knowing you well, I am so proud to have you as my dear friend, constant help, and the person I can go to when there is a need for a talk. I know that we all need to be together and growing as we explore our art, our classes we teach here in Canada and the days that bring us joy! The CIC pals, and they have all been truly amazing, kind, and, while sharing their thoughts – precious, always.

  3. I’ve got a little person in my life that you know and love. Whether it is her education, healthcare, ethnicity, or gender, these folks are rooting against her every step of the way. That makes these folks enemies to me, and I will treat them as such.

  4. Thanks for this. As a Canadian I am stepping away from of the orange menace supporters that I know, some for many years. I can’t believe they are still supporting the mess that the US has become at the hands of one tyrant. In the meantime, I keep praying that something is going to turn the tide south of the border (for the better just to be clear). At this point, it is a question of morals and ethics.

    1. I am in full support of Canada and its citizens. We have ceased all travel as my partner just resigned from his federal job and we are focused on saving money. When we are able to travel …Canada will get my travel money. Thank you for your comment I appreciate it very much! I also pray for a positive outcome!

  5. I share the same thoughts and feelings. This is a difficult time to American, to be a sister, friend, and neighbor. I hope making art helps you come to grips with it

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