For years, I’ve collected silk fabrics, – scarfs or from garments, hand-dyed or painted, gifted bits and pieces or souvenirs from travels, but the intensely two-colored Dupioni silks grabbed my heart. Every now and then, I take them out, fondle them, make color combinations and arrangements, maybe even use a little bit in a work. But then fold them neatly and put them back in the same spot in the dark cupboard for protection from light.

For this prompt with color, I had so many different ideas, explored Josef Albers and his theories how color bounces off on each other or change their character with different neighboring color. I made samples, – and more samples, took a lot of pictures, but in the end, I failed to capture the subtleties with my camera. It didn’t work. My human eye would see exactly what I was after, the image on the computer was just flat and boring. Why? Possibly, because I used solid color dyed cottons, Josef Albers used Gouache paint. He could mix endless combinations. Paint also absorbs or reflects light in a different way. Needless to say, I learned a lot!

Changing gear, – my precious Dupioni silk came out. I love the little knobbles and unevenness in the weave, and most of all how the color changes on the exact same piece of woven silk with just turning parts by 90 degrees. There’s still a lingering struggle with the images, the lush sheen and subtle color changes are really hard to capture.

Silk Road
20″ by 40″
Dupioni silk
Pieced and quilted by machine
私は何年もの間、スカーフや衣類、手染めや絵付け、贈り物の小物や旅行のお土産など、シルク生地を集めてきましたが、強烈な二色のデュピオニ シルクが私の心を掴みました。時々取り出して撫でたり、色の組み合わせやアレンジをしたり、少しだけ作品に使ってみたりもします。ただし、きちんと折りたたんで、光を避けるために暗い食器棚の同じ場所に戻します。
この色を使ったプロンプトについては、非常に多くの異なるアイデアがあり、ジョセフ アルバースと彼の理論を調査し、色がどのように相互に反射し合うか、または隣接する異なる色でその特性を変えるかを検討しました。サンプルを作り、さらにサンプルを作り、たくさんの写真を撮りましたが、結局、私のカメラでは繊細さを捉えることができませんでした。うまくいきませんでした。私の人間の目は私が求めているものを正確に見ることができましたが、コンピューター上の画像は単なる平坦で退屈なものでした。なぜ?おそらく、私が単色で染めた綿を使用したため、ジョゼフ・アルバースはガッシュ絵の具を使用したのでしょう。彼は無限の組み合わせを組み合わせることができました。ペイントはまた、別の方法で光を吸収または反射します。言うまでもなく、たくさんのことを学びました!
I have a few small pieces of dupioni silk and the texture, surface and sheen are quite compulsively attractive. I am really enjoying the beauty of your work here Lisa and think you have captured the essence of the gorgeous fabric so well.
Lisa, your work is truly exceptional and the beauty of the Dupioni, stunning. I love your design, and bringing the silk out of the closet, a treasured move to enjoying your fine art.
Bethany, it’s always a bit heart wrenching to make the first cut into the “precious” stuff, but in the end, it’s always worth it.