Once upon a time, smoking was my habit.
Hardly anyone of the people I have met over the last 24 years knows that I was once a smoker. It’s been a long time since my last cigarette, but I’ve thought many times how it was possible to stop. Not that I hadn’t tried to give it up before, it was a very “sticky” habit to break.

I realized, my bad habit was fueled by the pull of coworkers, friends and social occasions where a “community” of smokers hang out together. And a certainly a cloud of smattering stress from family disruption and feuds kept chasing me.

What worked for me was the utterly radical change of environment and social circumstances. All of the social pull-and-push and the stress fell away when I held a one-way-ticket to Seattle in my hands. I smoked my last cigarette at a bistro in the airport in Munich, but after we landed in Seattle, I never again touched the still ¾ filled package.

Several years later, I found the dried up old cigarettes in the back of a junk drawer. I shook my head over this remnant of an old, seemingly unbreakable habit and I finally threw them away.
This smoke has dissolved into thin air.
Smoke In The Air
20″ by 40″
Hand dyed and marbled cottons
Pieced and quilted by machine
過去 24 年間に私が会った人の中で、私がかつて喫煙者だったことを知る人はほとんどいません。最後にタバコを吸ってから長い時間が経ちましたが、どうしたらやめられるだろうかと何度も考えました。これまでやめようとしたことがなかったわけではありませんが、それは断ち切るのが非常に「固執した」習慣でした。
インチ 手染めとマーブル模様のコットン 機械によるピースとキルティング
Now that I have read your thoughts and the story here, Lisa, I see the smoke moving swiftly away from your life… well done, and a beautiful quilt!
Thank you, Bethany. I’m very glad I kicked that bad habit long time ago. When I found this old pack, I felt relieved that this is over.