4-9 Change of Mind
Murmuration – the Flight of Starlings
Martha Ressler

I am fascinated by the murmuration of starlings – when they collectively swoop and mass across the sky. They appear to change their minds together. Actually each bird is following the seven nearest to them. Presumably that’s why they don’t actually stay completely together in formation but are constantly shifting and changing direction.
Of birds, only starlings do this.
They do it in at dusk or in the evening, and usually in fall or winter. I’ve seen several this autumn in Pennsylvania.
How to capture it in a quilt?
I cut out hundreds of individual starlings – smaller and larger, and in different positions of flight. They are of 3 or 4 different colors too – like they would appear – nearer or farther.

I actually had more problems with the water below. I never got completely satisfied with the mumuration’s reflection. I was afraid to ruin it by doing any more to it.
Murmuration — The Flight of Starlings
Martha Ressler
40 x 30”
Cottons, sheer fabrics, hand and machine quilting. Raw Edge Applique.
4-9 心変わり
群れ – ムクドリの飛翔
私はムクドリの群れに魅了されています。群れが一斉に急降下し、空を横切るときです。群れは一緒に心変わりしているように見えます。実際には、各鳥は最も近い 7 羽を追いかけています。おそらく、そのため、実際には完全に一緒に編隊を組んでいるわけではなく、常に移動して方向を変えています。
私は何百羽ものムクドリを切り取りました。小さいものから大きいもの、そしてさまざまな飛行姿勢をとっています。近くに見えたり遠くに見えたりするように、3 色または 4 色の異なる色も持っています。
実際、下の水の方が問題でした。群れの反射に完全に満足することはありませんでした。これ以上手を加えると台無しになるのではないかと心配でした。 40 x 30”
Martha this is wonderful! Having tried a murmuration piece last round I know what the challenges are ….you captured the movement beautifully and the reflection is just right!
I also asked people if they knew what a Murmuration was and was surprised to find most people didn’t. Well done Martha!!!
Haha, “murmuration” will be our secret password!
Birds Background the reflection in the water all beautiful.
Thank you, Miki!
Lovely work, Martha. So much to explore here. The sheer fabric in the sky looks like fancy bubble wrap!!
Stunningly beautiful, Martha… the land is calling, and the murmuration has come along twice we have seen along our way here in the fields of local farms mid-November.
I know starlings are an invasive species, but I do love to see this art in the sky!
WONDERFUL! Starlings are one of my favourite things to work into my pieces! This is fantastic! And don’t you love the word murmuring!
I certainly do. I kept asking people while working on this: Do you know what murmuration is?
No one did except a librarian hiking friend, who know exactly what it is!
I guess alongside “murder”of crows, “Shrewdness” of apes, etc.