This is probably the easiest prompt for me to work with. All of my pieces for this round start with blocks or units and I repeat those units in the pieces I create; every piece I’ve created would fit this theme.
One of my favorite patterns is the Greek key, also known as a fret or meander, the Greek key is an ancient pattern that is pretty simple to piece. I also credit the Greek key with getting me out of my funk in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. I joined an online creativity group where we had to do or make something creative everyday for 49 days. I decided to make a Greek key every day. After making a couple of traditional Greek key blocks, I transitioned to funky blocks.

They made me smile. And when I pinned them on my design wall and started arranging them in different ways, I could feel my creative energy returning. One block per day just wasn’t going to do. I started making more and more, and I think I had finished all 49 blocks before the end of week 2. After adding some other improvisationally piece blocks, I ended up with this quilt:

The Greek key just kept on making its way into most of my compositions. They became designs on spray bottles in Putting on my Face, Trees in Climate Change and background elements in The Center #2.

I’ve made them in shades of pink for my current quilt.

I’m actually almost finished with it, but I have to wait until the end of March to show you what I’ve created. I don’t know that I will be able to keep it secret.
You are welcome. Thanks for commenting!
Excellent composition.
Thank you, Jenny.
LOVE the Greek Key pattern. What a great “twist” you have given it!
Thanks, Albert.
What a fun way to use this pattern. Each square is so unique and brings your eye to the next for a new discovery.
And they are fun to make. Thank you, Paula.
I love your Greek Key pieces and can’t wait to see what you share in April!!
Thanks, Beth. I can’t wait to share it.
Love this pattern! Thank you for sharing.