When we consider the word, we tend to think of Industrial or Political upheaval and change.
I like to check the meaning in the dictionary
“Revolution and Revolt Revolution and revolt have a shared origin, both ultimately going back to the Latin revolvere “to revolve, roll back.” When revolution first appeared in English in the 14th century, it referred to the movement of a celestial body in orbit; that sense was extended to “a progressive motion of a body around an axis,” “completion of a course,” and other senses suggesting regularity of motion or a predictable return to an original position.
At virtually the same time, the word developed a sharply different meaning, namely, ”a sudden radical, or complete change,” apparently from the idea of reversal of direction implicit in the Latin verb. Revolt, which initially meant “to renounce allegiance,” grew from the same idea of “rolling back,” in this case from a prior bond of loyalty.”

These days there are other types of revolutions that are no less worrying.
The drone warfare revolution
The global AI revolution
The renewable energy revolution?

In the scientific sense, referring to the movement of a celestial body, we on Earth travel a revolution every 24 hours. As night follows day, the Earth revolves around our Sun.
Consider this: we travel approximately 1,000 miles each hour, and we don’t have to move from our chair!