In Google Maps, there is a feature whereby you can go back in time and see photographs of a place and observe how it was in the past and how it has changed and developed. This is only possible when that place has been photographed in the past
I took a screenshot to see the mangroves from above. These Mangroves forests are scattered around Abu Dhabi islands and surrounding areas. Sadly, though I couldn’t use the Maps feature to see the mangroves in the past
It’s interesting how you can zoom in quite closely and see what isn’t always visible from the ground. In the view from my window, it seems there are lots of trees in the mangroves across the water. However, when I view it from the satellite map they’re very sparse not nearly as many as would appear to be from the ground.
From the window I can observe the tidal flow as it changes during the day.

The water that flows here is salt water
The water that flows here is tidal
The water that flows here around the mangrove trees
The water that flows here is in sync with the moon
The water that flows here is life-giving
The mystery of the life that can grow in saltwater
Grow and thrive in saltwater
Roots in mud, grey clay-like mud
Roots where fish spawn Where crabs live and birds roost
The water as it flows in and out has formed channels and waterways in the sand and the clay in the ground around the trees
I’m sitting in a kayak, waiting for the tide to change
Waiting in stillness and wonder
When there!
The vertical tree roots begin to vibrate, to nod, to twitch, as the tidal water flows through them, and carries the kayak back to the main channel and home.
The flow of water is expressed through beautiful stiching.
Thank you Mikiko
Wow, sitting in a kayak waiting for the tide to change. Great image.
Oh, beautiful Janine. The play of colors are stunning. The mangroves are such an intrinsic part of the UAE, constantly changing and full of life. So many little miracles. When you glide slowly, quietly, you can become part of the wonder of nature. Your writing expresses that so well. Makes me yearn for more days together on the water. I am with you in spirit, my friend.
Thank you Cynthia, for your kind comments. We spent so many hours kayaking together didn’t we? Happy memories!!
Thank you Martha
I always love seeing places from above. Beautiful poetic writing, Janine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you Karol