My country is full of water and surrounded by water with the three main islands separated by water. There is so much scenic beauty that I could concentrate on that or I could look at the other word in this rounds prompt of “treading water”.
What does this mean with regards to life? Am I stuck in a rut, doing okay, not going forwards and not going backwards, just marking time! If this is the case then how do I move forward and stop treading water?
Do I just go with the flow of life and see where it takes me? Or do I make some changes, go on a holiday, take a class, see an exhibition, just do something different to get me out of my comfort zone?
To me, we are halfway through round 4 of change and I am pleased to see the progression of my series reveal by reveal. I compare where I started to where I am now and wonder what changes I need to make with each prompt to progress the series. Here is a photo of the first six pieces.

You can see the changes of colour, motif and size as I have progressed but at this half way stage I am wondering how this can progress, what will the final piece look like? Am I in my comfort zone and scared of breaking out and taking it in an entirely different direction? We will only find out when I get to number 12 in this series? So watch this space!
Catherine, you have a beautiful series underway…beautiful art! You have much to ponder, and enjoy.. your next six pieces will be exciting.