To our dear followers: The members of Cloth in Common are delighted to welcome you to our brand new website: https://clothincommon.com/ We are pleased with the new features including: giving you the option to leave us comments about our work and our blog posts, as well as easier access to images and information throughout the site. For example, if you hover over an image in one of the galleries, you have the option to click on a magnifying glass to see a MUCH larger image, or click on the link graphic, and it will take you to the blog post describing the making of that quilt. It is easy to find a topic, artist, or theme by using the search feature. All of our past images and posts since we began in 2017 have been transferred to this new site. We may have a few small tweaks yet to make, but for the most part, the website is ready to go! We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our member, Deb Cashatt for doing all of the behind the scenes work to make this happen. Please enjoy a stroll through the new site, look back at some of our past work, and don’t hesitate to leave us comments now and in the future!!! We’re excited to have more interaction with you going forward. Thank you again for joining us on this journey.
Thanks for making the changes. This is easy to use.
Nice job. Love the work.
Very excited to have this new portal into the beautiful work of the 12 Cloth in Common Artists – each sharing with all of us a connection to their varied techniques, paths they follow as they develop their artwork and their thoughts on the fine art they share with the world. Congratulations on the new website!
Thank you so much for your thoughts, Bethany. We are excited as well!
Thanks to Karol for sheparding us artists/cats through this wonderful journey!
It has been my complete pleasure!!