This prompt was exciting ( at first) then it gave me TOO many ideas! I thought about it right till the last day and finally this is what I decided. The title of my piece should clue you in. I know other artists who use Assemic writing constantly and I wondered if they “talk to themselves” while writing? I can’t believe the things I tbought about while practicing the hand and wrist movements to create this piece. I tried NOT to think at all, but it just would not happen. Language is constantly with us even when we try to surprise it ! So here is my piece. It is made with cotton muslin and painted with Sumi ink in a haphazard way. Once I quilted it and put the finishing touches ( cleaning up the symbols) it does have something to say!

18” X 40”
Cotton. Sumi ink, machine quilted
Neat idea when you didn’t have an idea! You always come up with some something good.