Given our overall theme is ‘Change’ I was looking for a topic that had wide range appeal. I looked on my desk at work and saw my water bottle and long life coffee mug and it hit me! What has changed? Well my habits have changed and that is the new prompt – Change of habits!
These days I use a long life coffee cup a lot more than the normal take away cardboard single use cup. What changed that habit – was it recycling or was it that this particular cup keeps the coffee really hot and is a decent size? Or is it more that I like a coffee once a day – a large flat white – and the rest of the day I drink water or tea. Why is that, why did I feel I need a coffee by about 10.30am each day. What got me into that habit?
Of course another thing to look at is what habits have you broken? It takes 12 repeats at least to create a habit however you could break that habit very quickly. Can the frustration of breaking a habit or the joy of making a habit be expressed in cloth? Well we will see in two months time when the response to the “Change of Habits” prompt are revealed!