An adjective that can be used as a compliment, the word ‘wicked’ LITERALLY means evil or morally wrong. I have been disgusted daily with the actions of the USA’s current president and his wicked circle of appointees and supporters. My quilt includes symbols of greed, destruction, lies, and hatred displayed by these people, and in the background are references to the caring, concern, and constructive attitudes of the other citizens of our country.

Surely, the determination of the good team will return common sense, empathy, truth, and a sense of order and security to our country and the world.
Wicked in the Worst Way
40” x 30”
raw edge hand applique, hand quilted
commercial and upcycled fabrics from clothing (and a hospital gown)
最悪の方法で邪悪 褒め言葉として使える形容詞「邪悪」という言葉は、文字通り邪悪または道徳的に間違っていることを意味します。私は米国の現大統領と彼の邪悪な任命者と支持者の行動に毎日うんざりしています。私のキルトには、これらの人々が示す貪欲、破壊、嘘、憎悪のシンボルが含まれており、背景には私たちの国の他の市民の思いやり、関心、建設的な態度への言及があります。確かに、善良なチームの決意は、常識、共感、真実、秩序と安心感を私たちの国と世界に取り戻すでしょう。 最悪の方法で邪悪 40インチ x 30インチ 切りっぱなしの手作業によるアップリケ、手作業によるキルティング 衣類(および病院のガウン)からの商業用およびリサイクルされた生地
It’s aharsh story, but it’ also full of beauty and energy.
The swirling energy in this piece definitely speaks to me of “churn” – emotions, actions, impact. Mid-construction, I thought it might be a call to action piece with those raised fists, but the comment on the current environment is definitely there when seeing the whole piece.
Karol, the opposite colors and spiky shapes do show as chaos and destruction. But your sensitive handling of the values and patterns make it beautiful. I know I have circuses in my brain, but I do see a kind of midway, whirling and sparking along with abandon.
The red and green color scheme support this theme, as do the pointy edges. I wish I could see the symbols of greed etc, but I think it is successful. Good job!
Thank you, Martha. Greed is represented by the elevated mansions, the fancy gold embroidered fabric, and the small green shapes that have been X’d out, canceled, discarded,slashed from existence.