In Japan, at the end of the year, characters with the image of the year are announced.
It was “gold”.
“Gold” has the meaning of gold for minerals and gold for money.
The bright side of gold was the Olympics in Paris last year, and Japan athletes took many golds medals
However, in terms of money, the value of Japan’s “yen” declined, and it was a difficult year economically.
Recently, the word “Yabai” in Japanese has been used a lot among young people.
In the past, the meaning of “Yabai” had a negative meaning, such as being dangerous, inconvenient, or illegal
However, what is now commonly used has been replaced by the meaning of praise such as amazing, wonderful, and favorite.
The meaning of “Yabai “is also cool.
The original meaning of “cool” is “cold”
Oh! How words have changed!
It’s hard for us old people to keep up!
It is interesting to have such a language gap between younger and older people. I suppose that’s why we need to keep updating dictionaries.