Guest Artist, Paula Kovarik

Though I am most content when isolated within my studio, I reserve time for connections that are vital for my well being. Almost every Friday evening for the past 15 years my family joined for dinner. We called it family night. On any given Friday we would have up to 12-15 people attending—immediate family and those they brought along. We shared favorite recipes, caught up on the latest challenges and played silly games. We noticed mood changes, proud accomplishments and new hairstyles. It was a way to keep up with the details of life.

In 2020, all of that changed. Family nights have been cancelled since April. And that has made all the difference. I don’t know the details of their lives as well. My grand kids are taller than I am, and I didn’t get to add a mark on the doorway for that milestone. I miss physical contact.
When I think about how these calls for isolation and quarantine are changing our culture it worries me. Gathering around a table to share food and news glues us together, softens raw edges and builds a stronger community. Details count, hugs count, sharing thoughts count. I look forward to the day when that can happen again. For now, there are a lot of empty seats around our tables. They will be filled in with zoom calls, text messages and emails.

This piece is inspired by those gatherings that used to happen and will again. The Dresden Plate pattern that I used to assemble the quilt scraps is also called Grandmother’s Sunburst and the Friendship Ring. Both of those names bring hope and love to the table.
Alone Together
40” x 24”
Paula Kovarik
Instagram: @yellowbrickstudio
40インチx 24インチ
Paula this turned out amazing. I love the work by itself, but the story adds so much meaning. Thank you for joining our merry band of artists for the month.
The 12” bands make moving around the sewing machine easier. I, too, am liking that process.
The before and the now are quietly powerful.
Your dinners were on my mind recently as I missed you and your family as well as my own. The second panel with open gaps and darker pieces tells the story of most of our tables and Friday night dinners, as well as our daily lives.
The missing hole is a lonely but cool idea.
What a wonderful inspiration. When I saw the detail of the pieces missing from the Friendship Ring, my heart skipped a beat. You got me!
Lovely thoughtful work.
Unfortunately not all the chairs will be filled again because we have lost so many.