The first thing that came to me when hearing this prompt was the change of colors people can do within friendships, relationships and in social groups. Some color changes are positive and others are negative. It is the chameleon person who is the most unknowable until they show their true colors. Sometimes a chameleon changes colors to fit in or to hide a shyness, other times it is to manipulate a situation or to be able to move within a setting for their comfort or to deceive people to gain something.
In my lifetime I have been aware of the chameleons and been a chameleon. It is through the effort of getting to know someone better to learn of their kindness and loving nature hidden by a gruff exterior a quiet person who is talkative and funny in a one on one conversation, or someone whose true colors are covered up with friendliness and with time the true color is revealed as manipulation and mean spiritedness.
We all have a bit of the chameleon whether it is feeling comfortable in a crowd, playing invisible to feel safe or getting along in a group. There is a change of colors until we are comfortable sometimes the change is slight and other times it is bold. I am aware for myself a change of colors has helped me to push my introverted nature out into the world to attend a gathering, to talk about my art or during a conversation about a sale or commission. As I get older it has become clear to me that as a human being and an artist both my introversion and extroversion are are needed and with practice able to reside together quite nicely…there is less of a change of colors needed. I become true in color to myself and to others it is such a gift to realize that that being human and creating art both need my introversion and extroversion to be in the world amongst people for fun, selling and promoting art, or having a conversation with a stranger.
Yes there are chameleons among us, age and experience has taught me that people can and do change their colors …I am more discerning and still get fooled from time to time, when someone gives the gift of their true colors I believe them and feel grateful for the understanding that connects me with them on a deeper level or gives me the ability to step away when needed.

3 thoughts on “Change of Colors

  1. I remember a flowering bush my mother had called , yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Had 3 shades of lavender for flowers .

  2. I have been thinking about colour and as I traverse the trails I walk almost every day, there is a magic evolving… in, outside of and along the forests, lakes and land. I am wondering how I can take that into my colour share.. pondering.

  3. Wonderful insight! The seasons in my own life have changed colours many times…..all for the better! I have grown into my “older, wiser “ colour. I like it!

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