I feel that starting round 4 its time for a complete change away from countries (USA, Canada, New Zealand) in the last two rounds to basing this round on myself! Not sure how this is going to work but we will work through the prompts and see what it delivers.
I struggled to start this piece and then looked at a Series I had done in Red/Grey/Black which was all about passion and see if I used those works as a basis that I could change the colour scheme and build from there. Hence I have the greens which is my favourite colour and relates to me growing up in the country.
This piece reflects the changes in my life from quiet country life to a busy city life, from working in a role that while challenging I could leave behind at the end of the day to the hustle and bustle of my current role which bubbles up with pressure from people to change the way things have been done to the challenging and political obstacles I encounter along the way.
I’m hoping by the time round 4 finished I have a nice body of work that I can show. Who knows as that didn’t quite work in round 3 but I’ll try again this round.
This piece is made of my own hand dyed and printed fabrics, machine pieced, fused applique and machine quilted. Size 24inches wide by 40 inches high
CeIebrating the beauty of your growth in the country here and the love of the gorgeous out of doors spaking as you work, Catherine. (I too am thinking about relating my work in Round 4 as a series as some of our previous amazing artists followed as their paths… Ihave been weaving X’s and 0’s.into my cloth lately…)