Lost — A World that Doesn’t Burn
Musing about having lost a world that doesn't burn.
The Eyes as Windows to the World, Martha Ressler 3-1
Eyes are drawn to eyes, and faces to faces. Even if it is a cat.
The Gateway
When a barrier becomes a gateway instead.
Madness of Deforestation
75% of virgin forests in the US have been cut down since 1600, resulting in a degradation of the environment.
Deforestation: a crime to the land and its creatures.
Mother Tree
A Mother Tree compromises her own growth to advance younger trees.
Mysteries of Solitude and Joy
In response to the theme “Isolation” I started with a favorite photo by Jay Ressler of an abandoned playhouse built by his uncle for his granddaughter when she was a child. I played with the color and had it printed on fabric. But then cheerful colors called to me, and
Not so isolated?
by Martha Ressler When I heard the prompt “Isolation” what first came to mind was some of the photographs of Jay Ressler, my husband. I thought about using one of those and playing with it. What also came to mind was ways of beating back isolation. I am fascinated by
The Fabric of Our Lives
I love TV series and podcasts and my phone and music. The sounds and images are woven into my life.
Media can create community or fracture it
The Media can either help create community, or fracture it into warring factions.
2-7 Martha Ressler, Follow the Path
The prompt Gardens, Parks and Greenspaces gave me an idea right away. I wanted to focus on “pathways.” Your path greatly influences how you experience a green space. When we first moved onto our rural land 6 years ago, my husband cut a path to my sister-in-law’s house next door.
Generosity Forest, Martha Ressler 2-6
My husband and I had planned a big project of creating a forest on two of our acres, meeting with our county forester, researching the best species of trees to plant, buying equipment etc. Then at the beginning of April, when our 700 seedlings were delivered, simultaneously came the “stay