Coral Bleaching
Global warming is spreading not only to the land where we live, but also to the world of the sea. There are beautiful coral reefs in the tropical sea. Did you know that they are now gradually turning into skeletons and dying out? All of are due to environmental stress
Structures for Climate Change
The climate change prompt was a hard one for me. I finally settled on depicting trees and Lewis structures. Lewis structures are diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule, as well as the lone pairs of electrons that may exist in the molecule. The Lewis structure was
A matter of survival
For the past 100 years, the Earth has been warming faster than ever in history. The average temperature at the Earth’s surface has risen about 1.1℃ since 1850.The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melting rapidly. The number of weather-related disasters has increased by a factor of five over 50 years.
Earth Day Every Day
The prompt for our November reveal quilts is Climate Change. Elfriede encourages us all to become aware of structural changes needed to get to a better world. This is one of the most difficult prompts! I’ve dithered and dithered. What I can say is that, for me, every day is
Climate and Other Changes
Karol Kusmaul Our current theme is climate change. I confess to not knowing enough about the topic. Science has never been my forte. So I consider my own experience living in Florida, USA for the past 48 years, and focus on the weather changes I have observed. It is hot
Our Role in Climate Control…
In researching, and all the while living daily life in the time of climate change, we Canadians continue to watch, learn about and take seriously the impact of changes in our climate, on our families and indeed the effect on the cities and throughout the beautiful vast lands that we
Ahead of His Time
My current series of work has been inspired by Antoni Gaudi. When thinking of the current prompt for Cloth in Common of Climate Change I started to research how Gaudi was a forerunner environmentalist and came across some interesting studies. Gaudi was extremely aware of the environment and used recycled
My grandmother
While working on this piece, I was able to think again about the life of my grandmother who passed away. I don”t know the details, but I think her life as a woman was much harder, more sacrificed and discriminated against. However, she didn’t surrender to it and continued to
Oma’s Farm – finished!
As promised, here is my finished piece for our prompt “Heritage”. To read the full story about my grandmother’s farm and the making of this quilt see the previous blogpost. I’m glad I didn’t rush the quilting part as I think it adds a lot to this piece. The detail
Green Roofs
Green roofs would be a structural change to help alleviate climate change.
Climate change
Hi Quilt Artists, here’s my announcement for the new prompt. It’s Climate Change. The major floods in Pakistan right now are the direct result of climate change. Global warming has serious consequences for us. We regularly see forest fires, heat waves, extreme drought or heavy rainfall. We need major structural changes to
Ocean Warming
Summer in Japan gets hotter year by year. The typhoon that came after that was stronger than ever. As a result, many part of Japan suffered great damage. And now it’s supposed to be cool autumn, but it’s still hot. However , “saury” is an autumn fish that we are