Compromise or Not?
Karol Kusmaul here, with a heads up that in the next few days, Cloth in Common members will be revealing our art made for the prompt Compromise. It’s interesting to think about situations when it’s best NOT to compromise, and other times when we should. We deal with this issue
To Compromise or Not
Author: Deb Cashatt It’s my turn to write about our latest prompt–compromise. There were so many ideas that crossed my mind about this prompt. Living in California, where water is a precious, often scarce resource, I was going to create something on water. But the idea never gelled. The interpretation
It’s all connected
The last year was a tough year for me. It took me a while to catch up with all the prompts. Browsing through all of my photos I came to the conclusion that I forgot to publish one: the one belonging to the prompt Ecosystems. My idea about ecosystems was
Economy Versus Health
The Struggle Of 2020 Mikiko Takase December 29. 2020 Portions of the Japan economy faltered in 2020 because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The government launched a domestic travel campaign called “Go To” to stimulate the economy. The government would pay 35% of the price of inns so travelers could visit
A Creative Compromise
The photo above shows a part of the Cloth in Common exhibit at the Taiwan Quilt Exhibition earlier this year. Don’t our quilts look great? I think they do, in part because of a creative compromise that our group came to. What?—you thought we never disagreed about anything? Well, in
Susan J Lapham
Vienna, Virginia USA My grandmother taught me to sew on an old Kenmore when she came to live with us in Carthage. I was 10 and soon was not only sewing clothes but creating all sorts of projects. On daily walks though the old cities of Rabat, Carthage, Amman and
Alone in the City
When I set the prompt of ‘isolation’ I had a completely different idea for my work based on the Grand Canyon. However, as I started to design my piece I kept going back to my trip to New York City and the millions of people moving in and out of
Sandra announced “Compromise” as new prompt. This prompt reminded me of balance. I think most of us have experiences of compromise about idea,situation,or work. In some cases, it can be trivial or, on the contrary, very important.If you can compromise on a problem and solve it in a good way, you can achieve positive results. But
A Compromise of Sorts
Dear Cloth in Common, I write this post with anxiety, relief, sadness, and resignation. I have been with Cloth in Common since the very beginning. I often tell my students that I was a FOUNDING member of the group. Doesn’t that sound fancy? It also sounds prideful. I am proud
Isolation – transformation
Here is the work of my guest artist, Merrilyn George, from Ohakune, New Zealand. Merrilyn is one of our leading textile artists in New Zealand and has a deep connection with our culture and land. Art Quilt 40” H x 26” W Cotton, linen, silk, wool batting. Recycled fabrics, hand