A Door to the Future
Mikiko Takase When you have the opportunity to open a door and do something new, what do you do? Do you enter right away? Do you think carefully about it first? Do you think carefully and decide not to do it? If I hadn’t decided to jump in right away
Doors, Openings, and Portals
The final prompt for Cloth in Common’s round 2 is Doors, Openings, and Portals. If that’s not broad enough, I don’t know what is. These terms can take you from a means of access, to the 1960’s band The Doors, to video games of the 21st century. I hope everyone
Things fall apart
Shame is such a destructive thing, especially for young people and children, who may carry childhood shame into adulthood where it affects their lives, undermining their sense of self and their ability to succeed in relationships, in their work, in their self worth. This was a painful theme for me
Singled Out
This is a very personal piece for me although I hope it can stand in for many personal experiences people have. I am 6 feet 0.5 inches tall (or 184 cm), and that is fairly tall for a woman. From when I was a teenager, I stood out, whether I
Doerte-Ina Liebing Shame is an extremely social emotion because it reflects the rules and values of the society. Shame is a therefore very human feeling. Maybe you can say it is the strongest emotion of the world. I have dealt with the subject in a different context before. In fact, I
Shame 2017-2021
As I said in my previous post, I consider myself a proud, patriotic citizen of the United States of America, however I can also see that not everything the US does is worthy of being proud of. In fact, I’m ashamed of many of the policy stances my government has
Point Move
Susan J Lapham Vienna Virginia USA This prompt reminded me of the song Shame, Shame, Shame from the disco era nearly 50 years ago. See https://clothincommon.com/earworm/ for a bit of disco history and more about Shirley &Co.’s song. The song Shame, Shame, Shame reminded me of other popular disco songs
Madness of Deforestation
75% of virgin forests in the US have been cut down since 1600, resulting in a degradation of the environment.
Some of the meanings of SHAME that I found: Painful humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. Dishonor. Embarrassment. Worthlessness. Cultural devaluation. Mortification. Loss of esteem in the eyes of others. Negative judgement by others. I thought about times I myself have been ashamed, and