“The Olympics are Coming, The Olympics are Coming.” Japan is excited to welcome the Olympics to Tokyo. People are quickly studying English to welcome everyone to the Olympics. Japan wants to be an International nation, but the truth is that most people are poor English speakers.
A virtual, international community – finding my tribe!
In 1993 we moved to Portland, Oregon. I left behind my business, my friends, all my connections. In Portland it was dark, it was raining constantly and I got very sick–complications from a ruptured appendix. It was a very low point and aside from my immediate family, I was
We are getting closer and closer
Members of our ” Cloth in common” are international. There are USA, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Netherlands. I think this could be possible beause there were SAQA, Internet, e-mail, translation tool, etc. If I had not been a member of the international group called “SAQA”, Kalol
International Community
Almost every time we get a new prompt, I have an immediate reaction to it. It is usually a form of word association. This is how it happened this time. I google Cloth in Common on my phone. I find out that Martha Ressler has given us the prompt
Too Many Airports
Our new CLOTH IN COMMON prompt of INTERNATIONAL really appealed to me. I travel a lot – top level frequent flyer category lots. Glamorous? Fun? Exciting? Well maybe sometimes. Most of my time travelling is dragging myself through enormous airports. Packing bags to fit within weight limits and
Thoughts on Reflections
After the prompt was announced, I took this picture. It is reflections in the broken lens of an old car’s headlight. It called to me. What to do with it. I decided to get it printed onto cotton (by Fabric on Demand), and then figure it out. I woke
Reflecting on the past, ahead of time
Foreseeing writing this post about the prompt ‘Reflection’, I took some photos while floating and reflecting in our swimming pool last week. Friedrich Nietzsche once said that, “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” But as hot as it’s been in Florida recently, I prefer to get
Reflection of What?
It’s my turn to blog about the reflection prompt. The last prompt was identity, and I created a self-portrait. I did a lot of reflecting when I created that piece. If I were back in college, I would have reworked the project for this class. But that’s not the
Bending back
How do I feel when I hear or read the word REFLECTION? How does it relate to our overall theme “community” – and where do I see a connection? First of all, at least in the German language, I have to consider how to spell it correctly. In
Oops, mea culpa ….
I definitely need some self-reflection regarding my agenda. Although there was in it that I needed to produce a blog yesterday, it didn’t happen. It sure is better to look in your agenda every now and then. Recently I had an exhibition in a local art centre. Because of that
Faith and more
When I started thinking about Lisa’s prompt of Reflection and community I immediately had lots of ideas: mirror reflection; thinking about past, present and future; thinking about people or events; thinking about what person am I: how do I belong?; then how they would relate to different communities. This led me to
LINE Marks Identity in Japanese
By Sharaku, 1794 Portrait of a famous Kabuki actor from the Edo period (1600-1868). This “ukiyo-e” woodblock print was made more than 200 years ago. One can see at a glance that it is Japanese. It has no shadows and features outline. Chōjū-giga, literally,