Revolutie vs Rotatie
Janine has already told us that Revolution and Rotation have a common origin in Latin. Jacque’s poignant opinion has opened the eyes of all of us, I think, to what is going on in America at the moment. At the time, we didn’t know anything about the terrible meeting
The Prompt is Revolution
When we consider the word, we tend to think of Industrial or Political upheaval and change. I like to check the meaning in the dictionary “Revolution and Revolt Revolution and revolt have a shared origin, both ultimately going back to the Latin revolvere “to revolve, roll back.” When revolution first appeared in English in the 14th century, it referred
Layers of Language
There are many aspects of language. Spoken. Written. Body. Facial Expressions. When it gets right down to the small details and you’re trying your best to communicate with another, in my experience, all these aspects of communication matter a lot. Nowadays we have Goggle and other apps on our phones
A New Prompt- Change of Language
My first experience with a Change of Language was when, as a newlywed, we traveled to Jordan to meet my in-laws. My husband’s family is large, and since everyone wanted to see and meet the new English bride, there were several large gatherings. Initially, it was incredibly overwhelming. On top
Change of Mind with Meditation
This year, I embarked on a journey to try many new (to me) things, such as acupuncture, wild cold-water swimming, and ice baths. One of the first things I tried was guided breathwork meditation. I admit, I was very sceptical at first. Over the years, I’ve had many false starts
The value of loose change
In modern society, where the use of loose change is declining, it is true that the physical presence of small coin is diminishing due to the spread of digital payment methods and the decrease in cash usage. However, in some ways, their value remains important.Loose change is connected to human
Colour Blind
At the time I was making this piece I was pondering the very real disability of colour blindness, which is present in some of the males in our family. The piece began life as an blue Ikea upholstery fabric and a bottle of Clorox bleach. It was the strange year
Color is about Perception
My fascination with color led me to Bauhaus designer and artist Josef Albers. He experimented extensively with the interactions of color and how the perception of them can change it. Scientists know, people perceive color differently and it changes from one person to the next. Many will remember the controversy
Colour Blindness
Colour blindness runs in our family My father was not colour blind Though my brother is, but not his son. Just one of my two sons has it, and both of my sisters’ boys have it, one more pronounced than the other. Looking at the chart below it seems both
Kintsugi is a traditional technique that has been around since the Muromachi period in Japan. It is a technique to repair cracked or chipped pottery using lacquer and metal powder. Nowadays, “Kintsugi” is attracting attention not only in Japan but overseas. It’s not only repair broken vessels by gluing them
Around the same time as Martha’s Prompt was revealed early last month, I finished reading an interesting book, about the times we live in. “Ways of Being. Animals, Plants, Machines: The search for a Planetary Intelligence.” by James Bridle. Science is discovering, how, the more we look, the more we