Connections. What a wonderful prompt. It’s a wonderful way to end my 4-year run with the Cloth in Common group. I’ve loved being part of the group, but it takes time to make a quilt, and I want to use some of that time I’ve been spending making quilts for Cloth in Common prompts to make some of the other quilts I have running around in my mind.
So, back to connections. There are all kinds of connections. I’ve been fortunate to make connections with this wonderful group. Some us got to meet in person in Toronto, Canada last month.

The members of Cloth in Common live all over the world, so we connect virtually—via the Internet and satellites.

My last piece, Traces, was about connecting parts on a computer board. And generally, the pieces I’ve made these last two years are based on connecting units to make a whole composition. So, I decided to pull out all the spare parts from previous quilts and see if I could connect them together.

There are also the connections between my quilts. In the art world we call it finding your voice and having a body of work. Here are the quilts I have made for Cloth in Common prompts over the last 4 years. During the first two years (Round 2 for the group), my goal was to create digital abstracts for the prompts. I was not successful.

But at the end of Round 2, during the Coronavirus pandemic, I started piecing quilts again. My goal for round 3 was to piece all my Cloth in Common quilts. This time I was very successful, and I have a nice body of work to show for it.

So, thank you Cloth in Common for helping me focus.
And finally, dear readers, there are the connections I’ve made with you. Fear not! You will still see me commenting on the quilts and posts of the new Cloth in Common members.
Oh, how you will be missed – and yes, we will find a path to follow and see what you are up to!
But do know that your patience, focused assistance with all of our many CIC posts and encouragement along the way means so much! Then there is the amazing work you have brought together at your studio and posted for us here…as we see the reveal of YOUR quilts, we just are in awe – honestly, an amazing and just so delightful sharing of fine art!!! (And I love the socks!!! A treasure, bumble bee pal).
Deb, I’m so sorry you’re leaving our group. I remember, your patience, you had with my problems before putting it online. You kept sending ideas, even a whole book. Thank you for your input and help. I will miss you. Good luck with your free time. Spend them well, some time is precious. Fare you well, Elfriede