Doerte-Ina Liebing

“FAKTES” (facts vs. fakes) 40″x40″ hand dyed cotton, printing, machine quilting
In our media age, it is wonderful that we can contact each other, connect with another, exchange information quickly and pass on knowledge immediately. The use of digital media brings us a plethora of advantages that we do not want to miss anymore. Digital content can be reproduced and copied as often as required with almost no signs of wear and tear. Transmissions can be carried out quickly without falsification or deterioration. Content can be accessed anywhere. We are able to universally reproduce, edit, create and share any content with our computers, smartphones etc.
However, the digital media age also has its downsides and disadvantages. It cannot be guaranteed that the disseminated information is correct and that the publisher is aware of the matter. Wrong or false reports, conscious or not, can have an enormous impact on every area of life.
Further disadvantages are: cybermobbing, stress, reduced personal contact with friends, advertising and addiction.
Therefore, it is of highest importance to educate ourselves and our environment about the media sources we consume and always be self-reflected about the things we both share and receice.

Love your composition and colour choices !
Thank you for sharing your wonderful quilt, Doerte-Ina. I wake every day to the conscious understanding that we have to make choices about where to get accurate news and information. It can be stressful. Beautiful execution on this dynamic design. Congratulations.
I think you are thinking very deeply about Media.
You are so right, Doerte-Ina. I was thinking the same when I saw Micky’s quilt.
Beautiful job on your quilt as well.