There’s a saying when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. What it really means is be flexible.  When I proposed the prompt, “flexible,” I didn’t realize how flexible I would need to be. Life can be a literal pain in the neck sometimes. And when that pain radiates down to your arm, and you use your arm in the creative process, it’s tough. So in the spirit of being flexible, I used a lot of my scraps from previous Cloth in Common quilts. And, I decided that this new piece would have a flexible arrangement. 

I created a 42” long x 12” wide piece, quilted it, then cut it into 10” squares. I painted the edges, then used a zig-zag stitch to finish the edges. The green thread I used to quilt the piece with was a little too green for a satin stitch, so I painted over the stitching again. Did I tell you that my sewing machine broke in the middle of the satin stitching? Yep, I had to be flexible yet again and pull out the old machine.

Fun with Scraps (detail)

I might order some 10” stretched canvas and mount the pieces on them, removing some of the flexibility-tee hee. But for now, I present  Fun with Scraps:

Fun with Scraps (square configuration)

3 thoughts on “Flexible Arrangement

  1. Terrific, bold composition, Deb. I love the palette you have created, the stitch patterning and your idea for mounting down the line. Really a special take on your prompt.

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