4-4 chang of season

Japan has distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

In addition, the long terrain from north to south shows the scenery of different seasons in each region. The changing seasons create a rhythm in our lives.

However, nature can sometimes be severe and threatening, such as heavy rains, droughts, typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

On the other hand, it also gives us seasonal pleasures such as cherry blossom viewing, moon viewing, water viewing, snow play, etc.

This is also related to the national character of Japan.

At times, people accept difficulties, sometimes give up sometimes fight to reset and adapt, and life always goes on naturally.

But in the last few years, nature has puzzled us with unexpected intensity.

The seasons are about to be bifurcated, jumping over the heat of more than 40 degrees in summer, the depth of snow in winter, pleasant spring and autumn.

This is also an effect of global warming.

Just as people all over the world want to protect the beautiful seasons, we want to protect the four seasons of Japan somehow.

4 thoughts on “Japan’s four seasons

  1. All of your photos are so peaceful. We will all have to adapt to the changes. I’m sure you will do so beautifully.

  2. Thank you for a special post, Mikiko… you have reminded us of the many changes in the weather surrounding the days in your communities, and the commitment, wise study and joy that make Japan so precious.

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