Season of Darkness, Season of Sight
Martha Ressler, 4-4

One of my dearest friends is blind, and an artist. Once every two years she gets an operation to remove deposits from one of her eyes and is able to see for a period of time. Then slowly the darkness sets in again. She continues to paint either way. Contrast is very important to her, as even in her blindness she can sometimes see strong contrasts.
She said when sightedness returns it is sometimes a bit of a shock. For example, seeing a water faucet suddenly seems like a foreign object, after accustoming herself to feeling the shape and coolness of the metal object.
I wanted my quilt to somehow echo these seasons: the season of darkness and the season of sight.
I decided to use the shape of leaves as my language. I have been doing a lot of hiking, and in the winter, while watching my step, I am treading on hundreds of oak, maple, and beech leaves, all mixed together on the ground. The image has become imbedded in my mind.

I found a wonderfully tactile tablecloth in an antique store and that became my substrate. There are little bumps, almost like Braille, that give it texture.
I hand quilted the whole thing, including some blanket stitches around the white leaves to help define them.

My friend has a season of sight coming up this spring, so she will be able to see this piece, dedicated to her!
Martha Ressler
Season of Darkness, Season of Sight, 40 x 31″
Raw Edge applique, hand quilted.
私の親しい友人の一人は視覚障害者で、芸術家です。 彼女は 2 年に 1 回、片方の目から沈着物を除去する手術を受け、一定期間は見えるようになります。 そして、ゆっくりと再び暗闇が訪れます。 彼女はどちらにしても絵を描き続けます。 彼女にとってコントラストは非常に重要で、目が見えなくても時々強いコントラストが見えることがあります。
彼女は、視力が戻ったときは少しショックを受けることがある、と語った。 たとえば、金属の形や冷たさを感じ慣れていたのに、突然蛇口を見ると異物のように感じられます。
私は葉っぱの形を言語として使うことにしました。 私はよくハイキングをしていますが、冬には足元に注意しながら、何百枚もの樫、カエデ、ブナの葉が入り混じった地面を踏みしめています。 そのイメージは私の心にしっかりと刻み込まれています。
アンティークショップで素晴らしい手触りのテーブルクロスを見つけて、それが私の下地になりました。 点字のような小さな凹凸があり、質感を与えています。
Wonderful tribute to your dear friend’s life and clearly a reminder of the blessing to see well any given day.
You found the beauty in just looking down at the ground with the inspiration to help your friend. Great use of color and leaf shapes. Just Lovely.
Martha, I see precious and committed design play in your art. The time focused on the needs and life of your friend along with movement, change of “colour” and celebrating nature – so beautiful.
Thank you Beth. Yes, a combination of both my nature loving side and my love for this friend.
Bright and dark places, I like beautiful colored variation.
Thank you Mikiko. Yes, both dark and bright can be lovely.
Beautiful! My kind of stitching and “organized chaos” ( meant as a compliment)! Lovely tribute to your good friend!
Thank you, Al! I like that — “organized chaos!”