The place where I had fun play with my friend when I was a kid. The Golmokgil of the village where I lived, which has now been developed and disappeared. 골목길( Golmokgil )is a narrow pathway between houses. it is similar to an alley in English.
From 1970s to The early 1980s, those times were always insufficient economically, but the mind always came to abundance. All that time, The Golmokgil were like playgrounds for young children, and even if they played there all day, the parents did not worry too much. Most of the parents were close neighbors who knew each other, so they would look after each other’s children.

Now, it has become richer materially than then, but I still miss those days. I miss so much the place where the warmest,cozy and most enjoyable childhood memories of my days were left. The Golmokgil that has disappeared now exists only in my memory.
The place in my memory
Eunhee Lee
40″ x 30″
hand dyed and commercial cotton, polyester organza
hand dyed, machine pieced, machine quilted
Your colors evoke a joyous place. Aren’t memories wonderful?
I love the sheer colors on top of other colors. You captured the feeling of (safe) childhood play perfectly. Is this a completed quilt for the “Anatomy” prompt? I’d better hurry up — it is almost the end of the month!
A splendid bit of work. A tribute to another place and time. There is a special sadness when one’s beloved home and neighborhood are erased behind one.
This is beautiful. I love the universality of it. I did not grow up in the city, but it brought me to another place of sentiment. The color gradations are fantastic. Thank you for sharing.