About 5 months have passed since COVID19 spread. The world is starkly aware that it cannot go back to life before this pandemic. The situation facing each country may be different, but there are already numerous deaths and confirmed patients of COVID19. There are many who are devoted to saving people from COVID19. I give them respect and thanks.
Wouldn’t what is most necessary now be to co-operate and share together to overcome this pandemic? Beyond the community of individuals, society, and nations, Now I think it is time for world to be together.

These ideas were reflected in this work.
This work has transferred the image to the rust dyed fabric, and I used discharged fabric and dyed fabric.
COVID19가 확산된 지 약 5개월이 지났다. 세계는 코로나 이전의 삶으로 돌아갈 수 없다는 것을 극명하게 알고 있습니다. 각국이 처한 상황은 다를 수 있지만 이미 수많은 사망자와 COVID19 확진자가 발생하고 있다.
COVID19로부터 사람들을 구하는데 헌신하는 많은 사람들이 있다. 나는 그들에게 존경과 감사를 드린다.
지금 가장 필요한 것은 이 대유행을 극복하기 위해 협력하고 함께 공유하는 것이 아닐까? 개인, 사회, 국가의 공동체를 넘어 이제는 세계가 함께해야 할 때라고 생각한다.
이런 생각들이 이 작품에 반영되었다. 이 작품은 녹염색 원단에 이미지를 전사였고, 탈염된 원단과 염색된 원단을 사용하였다.
Eunhee Lee
33.5″ x 31″
Cotton,mesh, fusible web, acrylic paint
discharged, hand dyed, painted, inkjet printed, fused, machine pieced, machine quilted.
Your work always strikes me as quietly powerful, and this one especially. There is so much that is so harsh and ugly about this pandemic, but there is also such great beauty in the courage and love, the commitment to care, the cooperation and sharing that keeps us moving through this, and your piece represents that beautiful aspect. And now you’ve made me cry…
I love the images and the rust dyed fabrics, such a moving piece!
A moving and thought-provoking piece, Eunchee – and ‘together’ the depth and shade in the photos and colour palette you chose bring us close to the feelings that surround us at this place in time. Beautifully portrayed.
What a beautiful and thoughtful quilt, Eunhee. It really gets the point across.
Your work is always so deep in thought and beautiful