3-5 Light, Martha Ressler

In response to the challenge “Light” I looked through some of my photos for inspiration. There was plenty of possible inspiration, as I often photograph light as a subject.

This one for example, with the warm light from the old stone farmhouse welcoming a daughter home on Christmas Eve, became a small quilt.

But thinking of “light” in conjunction with “structure,” our overall theme, I was inspired by one thing.
We built our house with a long Southern exposure and 2 foot eves, so that in the winter light would enter the windows, when the sun rides low in the sky. In the summer the eves shade the house when the sun is higher.
I took this picture of our dining room table near Winter Solstice, with light streaming onto our dining room table.

I wanted to use a sort of Cubist style with all of those angles. Any kind of abstraction is not my strong point, so I only partially succeeded in this. And I wanted to stick with a limited palette, in which I did succeed.
I call it Winter Guest.
Title Winter Guest
Martha Ressler
Dimensions: 39″ x 29.5″
Material: Fabrics, various
Technique: Raw edge applique
You can just feel the light shining. Love your quilts.
Wow, you really captured the l8ght streaming in, I love it!
Shadows and light are so beautiful. I love how you have captured them in this work. You could do a whole series using your images
Oh, Martha, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your quilt. So warm and inviting – the colors, the story, and the composition. Brava!!!!
So totally beautiful, Martha and sharing of the light that is reflected by the placement of the eves is a perfect reminder of your commitment to the importance of warmth and light in your family home. I love your piece… and yes, to Cubism! Well done!
Martha, how nice of you to give us a peek inside your home. Your work is well done. I especially like the shade of the plant on the table.