Playa de las Catedrales
I would like to share my holiday experiences with you. All in the context of the new prompt “flexible”. In May we made a tour with the camper. Spain and Portugal was our final goal. On the north coast of Spain you have “Les Cathedrales”. A rock formation directly on
I speak spreadsheet
My ‘cells’ reveal is a look back at my 40-year career in applied statistics. From Lotus 1-2-3 at the US Census Bureau to Excel in my current role as director of an NIH funded longitudinal study, I do indeed speak spreadsheet. Cells are awesome! I Speak SpreadsheetSusan LaphamDimensions: 40″ x
On the road
Last week I was on vacation with my daughter, something that we do every year for a couple of days. This year we rented a campervan and went to France. Although we are campers for several years now, something new comes around every time. Even though you have a plan,
Somethings are meant to be straight so when you see them curved unnatturally it is often a concern or just clever and make you smile Many things in nature may seem straight but rarely are. I’m looking at ways to take something straight and give it flexibility. Fortunately as I
The cell is the unit of which all living organisms are composed.Cells are created, active, and die after some time. And new cells are created. The periodic life cycle of these cell is constantly repeated until the organism dies. These are some exceptions, but….Although it exists in a very small
Bethany Garner
Bethany Garner Kingston, Ontario, Canada A resident Studio Artist in Kingston’s Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning Arts Hub, I work with students in the community, sharing my courses in Dye, Print, and Surface Design. With a focus on creating original art using a mono-print technique, dye painting, and soy
Looking to nature
In researching our new prompt “flexible”, I read about flexibility in nature. The structures in nature seem to be less rigid and more bendable than the manmade structures we build with concrete and stiff materials. Plants have to be flexible to adapt their growth to the situation they find themselves
Deep, deeper, deepest
The challenge of “cells” was a difficult path for me. I saw the limitation in animal, human and plant cells. Which one do I continue with. What am I going to portray. Finally, I chose the general theme of cells. I wanted to put my feeling about cells in the quilt. With
The Boulders
The Moeraki Boulders are a group of large spherical “stones” on Koekohe Beach near Moeraki on New Zealand’s Otago coast. These boulders are actually concretions that have been exposed through shoreline erosion from coastal cliffs. There are still boulders remaining in the mudstone that will, eventually, fall on to the
The Next Prompt: Flexible
That’s it. That’s the prompt. I think it fits perfectly under our over-arching theme of “Structure.” Happy creating!
MOTHER… Deep Down Under
On Earth, cardiovascular stem cells, also known as cardiovascular progenitor (Mother) cells or CPCs, can continually divide to produce more of the same type of cells or develop into other specialized cell types. In my artwork, I searched for the “Mother” cell (lower left corner) and found that one cell