Grandma’s Garden, 26×40, 2022

My grandmother had a garden in the yard and a way with things that grow. Vegetables – everything on the recommended Victory Garden list, plus grape vines, fruit trees and flowers.

Tomatoes were her favorite. Mortgage Lifter, beefsteak, green and plum.

She had a small orchard in her front and side yards – peach trees, apples, cherries and pears. Her grape vines stretched from the house to the road.

She had a root cellar in the basement filled to the brim with gleaming jars of beans and corn, pickle relish, sauerkraut and beets. Potatoes, onions, carrots and cabbage in wooden boxes near the floor. She made jams and jellies and scuppernong wine.

Her dahlias grew straight and tall.

My mother standing in front of my grandma’s flower garden circa 1950

She was out in the garden from early spring to late fall and she loved most to watch her garden grow. Neighbors and strangers would drive by and she’d stand up proud, nod and smile.

She had a thousand old timey sayings from the garden – mini sermons that have stuck with me. What you reap is what you sow. The straight and narrow is the toughest row to hoe. Bloom where you are planted. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Grandma and me, early 1970s

This piece is for her. A thank you note for everything she taught me about growing.

Grandma’s Garden
Susan J Lapham
Dimensions: 40h” x 26w”
Material: Commercial and hand-dyed cotton; calico cotton print from Grandma’s sewing stash; cotton thread.
Technique: Machine pieced, longarm quilted.

5 thoughts on “Grandma’s Garden Grew Up Strong

  1. A beautiful tribute, Susan and a lovely story… your artwork is a treasure that will share your love of family, your brilliant artwork and now, teaching skills with your niece. So wonderful!

  2. I believe she was a very sweet grandmother to you. Treasure these memories. Your use of color is beautiful, Susan.

  3. These are so much fun to read! It bring back my own memories of my grandma’s garden. But her featured flowers, with only rhubarb, apples and plums in addition. And, your quilt is really interesting in color, design and texture.

    1. Except my grandma didn’t have a mile long lake to visit. 🙂 I made the outfit I’m wearing. I showed this picture to my 15 year-old niece and now she wants to learn to sew. The 1970s are back in fashion.

Tell us what you think.