Night Shadows
I thought I was going to make a piece inspired by Patti Smiths ‘Because the Night’ but Patti (and Bruce Springsteen who wrote the song) were wrong. The night does not belong to lovers. It belongs to our deepest fears; the fears we cannot give voice to during the
When the lights come on and the stars come out…
“Night” is my theme, the one I had the pleasure of proposing to the group, so you might suppose that I would have had an idea of what I was going to make before I proposed the theme. I didn’t and I struggled to come up with a good idea.
Party Lights!
Party Lights I’ve never made a quilt about the night. I do love seeing the stars in a dark sky, but that’s usually in the early morning, when I’m going out to get the newspaper. Most of the time, when it’s night, I am safely inside! I became
Sleep Eludes Me
I spend a lot of the night staring at my digital clock so I created a Thermofax screen with the times that I see ranging from midnight through to dawn. I painted fabric with a rough gradation of black to a silvery white, printed the times and then cut it all up into
New to this group!
Hi everyone, my name is Sandra van Velzen and I live in the Netherlands. I am a quilter for more than a decade. I dye and print my own fabric. My work is often based on themes of shows or art groups or simply by what’s on my mind. Last
Nighttime – Dreamtime
Detail of “Lunar Eclipse”, 2009 During the night, we usually sleep, more or less well. I’m a fairly good sleeper, but often wake in the early morning hours, and then go back to a second sleep. That usually is the time when I dream in a way that
Farewell, and Welcome!
One of our members has had to make the decision to leave our Cloth in Common group. We bid a fond farewell to Synnove Vanar, our Norwegian connection. We will miss you and your contributions to our community. Thank you for all you’ve done as a member, and we
Night Falls Early
Night: a time of secrets, mystery and magic. But, for me it is a time to sleep. I’m a morning person, active during the day. Nighttime images that come to my mind are of lights warming burning inside a building, beckoning from the outside. Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks comes to mind,
Sleep Patterns
When the prompt of Night appeared I felt a sense of Deja Vu. Last year I made a quilt to enter into the SAQA Dusk to Dawn Exhibition and was thrilled when it was accepted. It is called ‘Another Long Night’ because I don’t sleep. I lie awake for hours
Goodnight Moon
I am a night owl. I love sunsets and the peaceful and grateful time of day time before the full on darkness of the night. Moving towards night brings a great sense of quiet to my heart and soul. I love reading , journaling and making art late into
Because the night ….
Some of our earlier prompts have been transformed into cloth within days. Others have inspired nothing for the longest time until a last minute revelation and some frantic stitching have produced a quilt. But this one falls in the middle. There are so many ways that you could interpret