A change of season is often a transition from slightly warm to warm to slightly cold then slightly cold to cold to slightly warm again. That is in the South Island of New Zealand where we do have four seasons but not the extreme levels of heat or snow in
What is our next challenge?
Given our overall theme is ‘Change’ I was looking for a topic that had wide range appeal. I looked on my desk at work and saw my water bottle and long life coffee mug and it hit me! What has changed? Well my habits have changed and that is the
I have followed the life and near death of this Oak, watching as HE ages – his old tree bark changes colour, the leaves come and go, and the arrival of the many woodpeckers and squirrels who arrive to be with the Oak, remind us to watch the old tree
Snow, Paint and Cloth
I don’t really like snow or should I say winter in general. Growing up in Niagara Falls Canada, we celebrate winter with the Festival of Lights. Queen Victoria Park is decorated with over one million lights. Lights in the trees, on the buildings and even the Falls themselves take on
Winter Cold
Winter Cold It’s a great honour to choose a theme. Above all, it is very exciting to see what everyone has done with the theme. Like I said, I didn’t want to make it too difficult. Hence my choice “change of season”. There is another reason for the choice. I worked
Last Hurrah
Karol KusmaulWe don’t get much distinct seasonal change here in Florida, especially the further south you are. It stays pretty green here year round. Some of us miss the seasons, and enjoy visiting places where it snows in winter and the leaves change in the fall. When we received the
Flowers that call for summer
I was born in a town at the foot of Mt. Fuji, one of Japan’s most iconic mountains. The mountains are covered with snow in winter. In the spring, the snow melts and seeps underground, and in early summer, it flows into my home town as a beautiful stream. In
Season of Darkness, Season of Sight
I dedicated my quilt to an artist friend who is blind.
Scribbly Note to Self
When I wrote in Musings, I talked about the subtlety, indeed, sometimes absence, of a change of season within my climate – southern hemisphere, arid, dry, long hot summers and short winters. It is not that I was lying, more that I was discussing the averages, the normal, the usual.
Japan’s four seasons
4-4 chang of season Japan has distinct seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In addition, the long terrain from north to south shows the scenery of different seasons in each region. The changing seasons create a rhythm in our lives. However, nature can sometimes be severe and threatening, such
Season of Darkness, Season of Light
Inspired by an artist friend who is blind and has a season of darkness and a season of sight.
The Fall Sandwich
For me this prompt has inspired me to consider my current season in life… The sandwich season. I hope to create a good sandwich of balance, patience and communication to better navigate all the generational demands while practicing self care and continuing to be creative. I am not alone, so