Well, I didn’t know what I was going to create when I suggested the prompt Flexible, but now I know. It’s not the art quilt that’s is going to be flexible (although that was my initial intention), it’s me. And my Cloth in Common colleagues. I was very late finishing my last piece of art, Folsom Prison Blues, which put me further behind starting the Flexible piece. I had a couple of ideas up on the design wall, but they were just not gelling.

I also started having numbness in my arm and hand. Too much time on the computer? To much time at the sewing machine? Who knows. I really think it’s a pinched nerve, but I’m taking a couple of meds to try to relieve the pain. And they make me tired. Too tired to work on Flexible.

With less than 2 weeks to go, I just thought of something that would fit the prompt and could possibly be finished on time. How’s that for being flexible? The term flexible will also apply to my materials. I’m hoping to use up a bunch of the little scraps (which I never throw away) from previous projects. Here are a few starting pieces.

So, will I be finished? Or will you all have to be flexible and excuse my tardiness?
Deb, we’re very flexible. Your health comes first. I wish you much wisdom and success, but above all health.
Thank you, Elfriede
Exactly. I am trying to go through my box of articles I’ve saved to read. The result might be a bit less paper in my to-read box.
I love the flexibility you have shared with us in moving to creating with your scraps – may be just the quiet, calming process to support healing. No rush, dear friend…rest and get strong.
Thanks, Beth. It’s hard to put the breaks on one’s body when the mind is raring to go.
Oh, dear Deb, best wishes for a speedy recovery!!
Vielen Dank, Doerte Ina.
Sorry to hear of your pain. nothing is more depressing than wanting to do something and your body lets you down.