When I thought of the word transformation and how it applied to me I go back to my childhood and teens and how I was quiet, reserved and totally lacked any confidence about myself. Where do I think I am at now?

Most people would say confident and outgoing however this is not the case. I find I have made myself be perceived that way but underneath there is still the turmoil of have I said the right things, have I offended someone, what could I do better?

AS we go through life no one fully understands another person and their thought processes. Mine are often jumbled, going around in circles although a few times quite straight forward and directional.

I find we also block out the inner thoughts to project a stronger image to the world.

Through the years I have grown more confident in some areas but there is still the self doubt behind it all, continually questioning what I do.

This piece is 40in tall by 21in wide and made with my own hand dyed and painted fabrics. It is machine pieced and appliqued and machine quilted

3 thoughts on “Emerging

  1. People who don’t know me are surprised to find out that I am shy because as the hostess at art shows, lectures and retreats, I am the outgoing greeter welcoming and encouraging all to join us and try things they’d be afraid to try at home! Many times I’d slide outside past the crowd and breathe deep until I was able to return to the group! My job was important and I thrived as well as my groups but I am still shy and hesitant about speaking to strangers.

  2. Catherine, I hear your quiet voice and see the story you share detailed in your artwork. You are not alone. An important part of who we are is in these thoughts ,and we walk a path unknown, but are blessed to make our way – thank you for sharing!

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