We know a habit could be a bad or a good habit.

 It could be a conscious habit you’re trying to adopt or a habit you’re unaware of.

It could be a habit that has become part of your routine

Early morning walking

Just a few days ago another year of the 100 Day Project began, perhaps you’ve heard of it?

The idea of the project is to commit to doing something creatively every day for 100 days.

One year I decided to give the project a go.

I started a journal and decorated the cover with a famous and inspiring quote by Goethe –

“Whatever you do or dream you can do Begin It.

Boldness has Genius, Power and Magic in it

Begin it Now!”

Beginning a Daily Journal!

I numbered the pages Day 1, Day 2, etc. I was very enthusiastic and began in earnest.

Then life happened and I put my journal aside. Clearly, I didn’t commit strongly enough as I only made it to day 5!!

Reflecting on this, and to feel better about myself, I thought about what good habits I do very consistently every day.

My number 1 Daily Habit is walking in the early morning. I walk all year round, even in summer when here in Abu Dhabi the weather is so hot and humid I return home like a wet rag!!

It’s a precious time I spend with my husband, we chat and share ideas while walking.

One thought on “Make a Habit and the Habit Makes You

  1. Janine, your story is so similar to my daily (winter weather permitting) walks. A habit we share that is so important. I love that your husband walks with you! Counting these as ‘100 days’ and sharing along the way – precious.

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