If you have been following my work in this series you know that I am focussing on the work of Antoni Gaudi and of course he was one of the original proponents of organic architecture.
He is best known for his organic and free flowing architecture which is easily identified by its distinctive mixture of form, colour, texture, and organic aesthetics.
He is often known as God’s Architect, combining his love of buildings and nature to create some of the unique and awe-inspiring buildings of all time.

Gaudi designed these hexagon shaped tiles with a marine theme and they are now covering the pavements of Barcelona

These windows in the cloister walls of Sagrada Familia are reminiscent of honeycomb cells which is a perfect inspiration for this latest prompt of CELLS.

All of his work seems to have organic or natural origins and one of my favourite of his buildings is Casa Battlo with it’s natural curves and brilliant colours.

7 thoughts on “Organic Architecture

  1. When I was in Barcelona I took the same photo of those tiles and bought a wallet at the gift shop that’s embossed with the pattern! Sorry…. Off topic

  2. You are the master of colour, intricate connections and the curves we see in many of your beautiful artwork pieces, Lisa. I am so waiting to see how the connections in the cell prompt will become stunningly ‘organic architecturally” as you share with all of us!

Tell us what you think.