Janine Ibbini, Musings, Prompt, Restoration

Before I begin a new work I like to look at the dictionary definition of the prompt.

Restoration –

“the act or the process of returning something to its original condition, or to a state similar to its original condition

“The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition”

Sunrise on a calm and peaceful morning in Abu Dhabi

Restoration: At first it seemed a simple prompt to respond to.

However, some topics seem too big and complex to apply restoration to, such as Climate Change and War.

As dramatic and tragic world events have unfolded in recent weeks, so many questions have arisen surrounding this word.


What shall we restore?                 How can we restore?                      Who will restore?                           

When shall we restore? Can Hope be restored?

Can Trust be restored?            What about Equality?           Or Security?         And Safety?   

Can our Climate be restored?  Perhaps this will be a question presented later this month at COP28 in Abu Dhabi.      

What is the opposite of Restoration?

My piece is finished now and pinned to a design board in my studio.

I think its a reflection of our complex world today.

One thought on “Restoration

  1. Oh, to be able to return the world to it’s former condition. Peace and quiet, with families together and homes, schools and hospitals in perfect condition…small children playing and understanding that they are safe. I can’t wait to see how we all approach Restoration.

Tell us what you think.