I debated for a long time about what I should present as the prompt for this group. As the date grew closer, I kept coming back to the same idea over and over again.


I live in Alaska, and the winter’s are long and dark and cold. I’ve written about this experience on my own blog a couple of times.

Solstice 36H x 40W 2012


Winter Solstice 2016 < https://talesofastitcher.com/2016/12/24/winter-solstice-2016/>


Solstice < https://talesofastitcher.com/2013/12/21/solstice/>


Winter's Trance 38H x 38W 2013


And last year, I wrote about what the end of winter feels like up here in a sub-arctic climate.


Walking Towards Winter’s End < https://talesofastitcher.com/?s=walking+towards+winters+end>



The fact is, the coming of spring and then summer is a much anticipated event for us northerners. We think and talk about it a lot. We are gaining an hour of daylight a week right now, and that is something to talk about. 



We call this season break up. And if we have had a good hardy winter full of snow and ice, this season can be quite dramatic. 



The dirt road we live near becomes a creek. When our children were little, they would take a full hour to walk the block home from school because they were playing in that “creek”. 



But really, it is an event for all of us. Even in warmer climates, there is noticeable change.


I know some of our members are headed into winter—so their interpretation of spring will be very different from mine. 


HARU (Spring) 38H x 38W 2015


It could be about break up, or seedlings, or bounce, or religion, or light. Looking forward to seeing what happens when our members respond to the prompt SPRING.

Tell us what you think.