It doesn’t matter how hard I try, I just can’t make time. It is a finite resource. And one that I continue to abuse – if taking on too much, if over-committing, if thinking I’ll find the time were a crime I would be a serial offender.


A few months ago I took on a huge project that I’m itching to talk about but can’t just yet. Massive work load, long hours etc, etc. All on top of my other commitments, including my commitment to make a quilt every two months for Cloth in Common. The last few weeks have been a study in time management and multi-tasking. I have been on fire! Yesterday evening making a quilt for this latest challenge reached the top of my to-do list at the same time as making a development piece to photograph for my solo gallery at this summers Festival of Quilts in Birmingham. Hmm …. 


So this quilt is a compromise, delivered just in time. A solution that ticks two boxes. Confirmation that you can’t always project manage time.


Times New Roman

30 inches x 20 inches

My breakdown printed fabrics, cut, pieced, layered and machine quilted. 



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