Doerte-Ina Liebing

The former German  politician Ludwig Erhard described a compromise as „the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone thinks they have got the largest piece.“ However, not only in politics, but also in the business world, in living together is a matter of agreeing on terms and conditions on disputes every day.  It’s about sharing the cake fairly. Good compromises are characterized by the fact that both parties can live with the agreement. It is a give and take. It’s about moving towards each other bit by bit. Everyone has to give in a bit with their wishes and ideas so that a common solution can be found. We can recognize a good compromise by the fact that al sides are equally satisfied or dissatisfied. There cannot be a pure winner, everyone has to lose something.

This is often a difficult path.

One thought on “What is a COMPROMISE?

  1. Wise words and a perfectly timed prompt. Our world is experiencing separation, unique and somewhat frightening difficulties, and the general world-wide angst that seems to be spreading. Thank you for a reminder of the role we each can play in healing and growing closer together.

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