We Cloth in Commoners have been noticing doorways recently. At the end of May, we will reveal the quilts we’ve made. I have long collected images of doors, thinking one day I will make a series about them. I am curious about what lies behind them. Here are a few from my travels.

Saint Augustine, Florida

This one is from a class in Tallahassee, Florida.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Saint Augustine, Florida



庶民の私たちの布は最近出入り口に気づいています。 5月末に、作ったキルトを公開します。私は長い間ドアの画像を集めてきましたが、いつかそれらについてシリーズを作ることを考えています。私は彼らの背後にあるものに興味があります。これが私の旅行からのいくつかです。

2 thoughts on “What’s Behind the Door?

  1. Now I know why I take pictures of doors, windows, arches – all sorts of openings inviting me in. This is a lovely collection – all with their own story, but the home schooling behind the art studio door tells a current tale.

  2. A very special collection these doors. I am wandering with you here, and looking into the photos to see what attracted your attention. I see the beauty in each shared here, and always look at the door first to imagine the family/business inside.

Tell us what you think.