Rusty Stains
Being creative is the part I’m driven to, and once working, usually ideas keep flowing until the work is finished. However, most artwork starts with an empty page, blank canvas or in our fiber world, often with a piece of blank, most times white fabric. The dreaded Blank Canvas Syndrome
Tiny Pieces
Transformation with a scissors
As Textile Artists fabric is one of the mediums we use. There are many ways to transform and alter fabric. One way is to take a piece of white fabric and transform it with dye, either natural or chemical. Altering the whiteness by making marks, by printing, by folding or
La Rambla
For me, Spain is and remains a very inspiring country. During our holidays we were introduced to “La Rambla”. They are originally dry revier beds. In case of heavy rain, they lead the rainwater from the mountains to the sea. But because it rains very little in Spain, you sometimes
On July 5, my husband and I traveled from our home in Florida to our former home in Illinois. We attended a class reunion in his hometown of Marseilles. I always enjoy getting to meet people who knew him during his childhood and hearing wonderful stories of their youthful days
Change is as Good as a Rest?
I can usually adapt to change very easily, but recently I have been challenged! In early July I had a total knee replacement. I was so looking forward to the operation as the pain was getting so bad and moving around was difficult. Unfortunately the operation came with complications which
Lisa Jenni
Lisa Jenni Redmond, Washington State, USA Creating art is an integral part of me.I changed mediums, the focus keeps moving, I switched continents and needed to reinvent my social fabric, – I still create art. Before the move to the USA in 2000, I worked mostly in watercolor and illustration.
TRANSFORMATION…Next Steps and Art to Share
In our welcome to Round 4 of our Cloth in Common art sharing, we agreed to the overall theme of CHANGE,and as we moved into 4-1 with our new artworks shared the last few days of July 2023, we brought to our readers both beautiful and very complex Textile Art.
A Walk in the Forest
A painting by Van Gogh inspired a change of pace.
And the World Turns Around Us
Over the past several months I have been quietly focused, taking advantage of time to work on an amazing FIBRE ARTS’ TAKE TWO online course with UK Artist/Instructor CLAIRE BENN. Knowing the amazing artistry created by Claire, I wanted to take the steps needed to register into her UK workshops
Bye, Bye Tie
Change of Pace! This first prompt spurs excitement for my first reveal as the newest member of Cloth in Common. What better metaphor for major changes in life, such as retirement or the pandemic we are finally mostly seeing in the rear mirror. My husband tells me stories of
Same,Same, but Different #1 – Chrysalis
Like several other of my CIC quilt mates, I have decided to make Round 4 a series, or related body of work. In line with the theme for the round, Change, my series will be called ‘Same, Same, But Different’, which recognises the similarities, as well as the differences when