Martha Ressler 4-1

I first thought of “slow down!” When I heard the prompt was Change of Pace.  I thought everyone would be thinking the same thing!  The pace of our lives can be frenetic.

Actually we were all thinking something different – as we always do.

But for me change of pace does mean slowing down and trying to bring the right side of my brain into focus. The left side is full of linear thinking: I must do this, then this, then this, but first, this!

“Brain chatter” all the time. I just reading finished “My Stoke of Insight” by a neuroscientist who had a stroke at age 37.  It took her 8 years to recover. With some help, two years later, she was able to remember and recreate her thoughts and feelings as a massive hemorrhage wiped out the left side of her brain. She was unable to think to dial 911 for example, or get help from a neighbor. A great feeling of bliss and peace overcame her with only the right side of her brain working. It’s a fascinating story, and at the end she reminds us how to tap into the “blissful” side of our brains any time we want to.

So in addition to continuing with my masterworks series for this piece, “slowing down” is the mood I will try to create.


マーサ・レスラー 4-1


実際、私たちは皆、何か違うことを考えていました – いつもそうしています


常に「脳内おしゃべり」。 37歳で脳卒中を患い、回復までに8年かかった神経科学者の著書『My Stoke of Insight』を読み終えたところです。 2 年後、大量出血で左脳が消失したにもかかわらず、彼女は助けのおかげで自分の考えや感情を思い出し、再現することができました。彼女は、たとえば 911 に電話したり、近所の人に助けを求めたりすることを考えることができませんでした。脳の右側だけが働いているにもかかわらず、大きな至福と平安の感覚が彼女を襲いました。これは魅力的な物語であり、最後に彼女は、私たちが望むときにいつでも私たちの脳の「至福」な側面を利用する方法を思い出させてくれます。


4 thoughts on “Slowing Down

  1. Martha, you have shared a wonderful new path with us. Focus… and taking one new blissful step at a time, building on lifes right side value as we develop new art. Pertfect… just take a breath!.

Tell us what you think.